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Who do I call in an emergency?Emergency In an emergency call 111. Our local Waikato Hospital is located at Pembroke Street, Hamilton and has an A&E (accident and emergency). We have a variety of pharmacies if you’re after non-prescription medication. Ambulance For emergencies call 111 Fire service For emergencies call 111 Deaf Emergency Fax 0800 16 16 10 Police For emergencies call 111 Hamilton Police Station 07 858 6200 Hamilton North Community Policing 07 854 6000 Hamilton West Community Policing 07 846 6477 Deaf Emergency Textphone (TTY) 0800 16 16 16 Health Waikato Hospital Patient Enquiries 07 839 8666 Waikato Hospital Emergency Department 07 839 8707 Mental Health Crisis Services (emergency only) 0800 505 050 Poisons and hazardous chemicals For urgent information only 0800 764 766 National Poison Centre (business hours) 03 479 7248
Where can I find faith group and places of worship in Hamilton?There are many Faith groups and places of worship of different religions located around Hamilton, including: Baha’I, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Orthodox and Sikhism. Refer to the PDF to find faith groups and places of worship in Hamilton. Find more information about engaging with ethnic communities in Hamilton here.
Where can I find free WIFI?Hamilton line is a free central city wifi network provided by the Hamilton City Council. The free central city WiFi hot spots can be found at: Garden Place and Civic Square Victoria Street (between Garden Place to Hood Street) Hamilton Transport Centre, corner Anglesea and Bryce Streets Hood Street Hamilton Lake (near The Verandah Cafe) There are also numerous other WiFi hot spots provided throughout the city which are provided at the main public facilities: Chartwell Library, 5 Lynden Court Dinsdale Library, Whatawhata Road shops Glenview Library, MacDonald Road Hillcrest Library, Masters Ave St Andrews Library, corner Braid Road and Taylor Terrace Waikato Museum, 1 Grantham Street Hamilton Transport Centre, corner Anglesea and Bryce Streets Many retailers, cafes and bars now offer free WiFi within their facilities, including: Spark (Telecom NZ) free wifi phone boxes Some McDonalds restaurants: Frankton, Five Cross Roads, Te Rapa, The Base, Rototuna Starbucks Most Hamilton cafes
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